Sunday, November 21, 2021

Controversial On Purpose?

Following up to my previous post about social media, I found myself wondering at the benefit/detriment of being controversial on purpose.  I know a few authors who try to be outrageous for the express purpose of generating traffic.  Some truly hold the views they promulgate, some exaggerate for effect, and some say things they don’t believe because they know people will react.

I’ve always been wary of this approach since a pissed-off somebody is unlikely to buy your book.  Growing numbers may produce a new fan or two, but unless you get big, doe that compensate for those who will dedicate themselves to destroying you over their pearl-clutching offense?

Don’t get me wrong – I have some very definitive views(ask anyone who knows me on a personal level).  I just wonder at whether putting them out there creates more good than harm with the general public.  Sales are great, but limiting the audience is rarely a good thing unless you already have so many fans it’s meaningless.

Maybe I’m on the outside of this.  After all, while some of my stuff has sold okay, I haven’t broken out, but I don’t know that I want to be an ass just to see if I can increase my revenue.  At best, some will buy my stuff while others will despise me and never buy my stuff.  At worst…well…I’ve seen people lose their livelihoods for pissing off the wrong person or group, not only decimating their sales, but the rest of their lives as well.  How risk-taking/stupid do you have to be to do this, and how do you walk that tightrope?

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