Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Truly Award Winning?

On the right side of this blog, my “About Me” section says I’m an award-winning author.  Technically that’s true given my award for Best Paranormal Fiction from IndieReader in2018, but is that more boast without substance than it is a hook to hang my hat on?

Let’s be honest – there are writers out there who’ve won far more than I have.  There are The Hugos, TheDragon Awards, The Nebulas, The Franz Kafka Prize, and so on.  The most famous and successful authors have won multiple awards in multiple years, so I’ve started wondering if I’m giving anyone a misleading impression.  Sure, I won, but it’s not on the scale of a Nobel or Pulitzer.

Basically, I use the moniker as a point of pride and marketing tactic.  I’m proud of it, but it feels a little dodgy around other writers, much like telling someone I’m Airborne Qualified, which has different connotations depending on whether you’re talking to a civilian or a soldier.  Don’t get me wrong – I’m going to continue to use the title(I did, after all, earn the award), but there’s a touch of insecurity surrounding it when I look at other writers and their accomplishments.

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