Thursday, July 21, 2022

Pulling A Blog Post

I'm about to do something I initially swore I'd never do - I'm going to delete a blog post.

Now you may ask yourself, possibly while fresh in the frisson of horror, why I'd do such a thing?  Don't I believe in and stand by what I've written?  Did one of them suddenly become much more controversial in the light of new societal standards of decorum?

Nope, none of that has happened.  What did happen is that the post in question has been hijacked.  My post, from October of 2015, and titled Advantages of Indie Publishing, has somehow become a repository for a Russian browser to advertise.  I know this because I check every message that my site gets, and the only comments I've bene getting for the last year or so(mostly) have been in Russian.  Here are a few examples and their translations:

"Отыскать источник коннекта в сеть через ТОР практически нельзя. Благодаря интеллектуальной протекции человек сможет без особых усилий смотреть актуальную информацию в интернет сети. Интернет веб-серфер TOR соединяется hydra сайт с помощью благодаря значительному количеству удаленных серверов. Есть огромное множество умных веб-серферов, что в реальном времени предотвращают шансы атаки на персональный компьютер или телефона."
It is practically impossible to find the source of a connection to the network through TOR. Thanks to intellectual protection, a person will be able to effortlessly view up-to-date information on the Internet. The Internet web surfer TOR connects to the hydra site via a large number of remote servers. There are a huge number of smart web surfers that in real time prevent the chances of an attack on a personal computer or phone."

"Оперативный список добавочных линков возможно запросто просмотреть в сети интернет. Как зарегистрироваться на форум ГидраUnion с ПК? Публикуется огромное число url, через которые посетитель имеет возможность залогиниться на hydra. Для начинающих покупателей бывает трудно залогиниться на торговый сайт Hidra."
The operational list of additional links can easily be viewed on the Internet. How to register for the HydraUnion forum from a PC? A huge number of urls are published through which the visitor has the opportunity to log in to hydra. It can be difficult for novice buyers to log in to the Hidra shopping site."

"Сплошь и рядом наблюдается ламинированная поверхность фанеры особой, необыкновенной фактуры и изображения. ФОФ ламинат существует с деревянной текстурой, в виде природного камня или керамогранитной плитки. Особенностью ламинированной пленки есть не исключительно хорошее сопротивление влажности, но и наличие особой расцветки."
"Quite often there is a laminated surface of plywood of a special, unusual texture and image. FOF laminate exists with a wooden texture, in the form of natural stone or porcelain tiles. The peculiarity of the laminated film is not exceptionally good moisture resistance, but also the presence of a special color."

It goes on like this for almost 200 comments.  It hasn't infected any of my other posts, and I have no idea how this one became a Russian repository.  Some of these posts include links that I have not clicked on, and I would strongly advise anyone reading this to not click on them either(I have no idea what they lead to).  So at the end of the month, this post disappears forever(I only leave it up for now for reference for this post), and I hope no more Russians find their way into automating comments for other weird stuff to me.

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