Sunday, September 26, 2021

Advantageous Release

Writing is obviously an art, but there are business aspects that are also part of that art.  Yes, we want to reduce as much uncertainty as we can, but we can’t eliminate it all, which is why we have to divine certain parts to take best advantage of them.  One part of that art is in finding the most advantageous time to release.

I know there are certain times of the year in which book releases tend to do better.  Some say that releases should take place in February since people have settled down from Christmas.  Others say that releasing in October is best because people can buy your work gift for Christmas.  Summer pops up because people are going on vacations and like to read on those vacations, but others point to people being burned out(especially kids) from school.

It takes a discerning eye and a bit of luck to catch the market just right for your particular book.  My bestseller to sate, Schism, got released just as the 2020 political conventions were kicking off since I wanted to take advantage of partisan tensions.  I might release a horror novel around the middle of October, or a science fiction book at the beginning of March so people can take it on spring break.  I’ve had some successes with this approach, just like I’ve had some challenges getting the timing right.  What has your experience been, both as a writer a as a reader?

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