Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Pissing Off Both Sides

I’ve been pretty pleased with the initial reception of Schism.  However, given its touchy subject matter, I didn’t expect it to be non-controversial.  And it hasn’t been.  Basically, by trying my best to take a more neutral approach, I’ve managed to piss off the die-hard partisans on both sides.

I think the funniest thing is that such hardcore partisans don’t understand that they’re the ones Schism is talking about most.  Those so entrenched in their positions that even talking to those on the other side are the ones who will lead us to ruination one day.  Mark my words – it’ll happen.  And both sides, convinced so much of the righteousness of their views, will take the ship down with them as they poke holes in the bottom.

A few years ago, I wrote several posts to see if I could blog/write from points of view different than my own.  I wrote as a religious fundamentalist, anatheist, a rightwing nutcase, and a leftwing loon.  I think I did an okay job, because many people have yet to be able to figure out where on the spectrum I come down.  And I brought that into Schism.  But in doing so, I’ve managed to make both sides mad at me.  The comments I’ve heard are along the lines of “there is no moral equivalency here” and “I’m not reading something that thinks I’m anywhere close to at fault as those bastards over there.”

Of course, this chasm is the essence of Schism.  Is the violence of a 2nd Civil War what it will take before folks calm the hell down?  I hope not, but I also hope that I win the Powerball and grow seven inches – sometimes life just doesn’t work out the way I’d like.

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