Thursday, September 10, 2020

Twitter Dumpster Fire

While I spoke in an earlier post about needing to stay off of social media for personal stuff, I need to re-engage for professional/writing reasons.  Yes, only about 20% of people use Twitter, but it can be a good platform to reach audiences.  I’m not on much, although I’ve tried being on a little more recently, so I need to figure out how to use it to my best advantage.

That said, most of Twitter is a dumpster fire.  I try my best to stay away from controversial topics and post mostly stuff about my books.  I suppose I could also retweet stuff I find interesting from other authors, so long as it’s writing/book related.  However, so many want to go on about controversial topics and attract toxic replies.  People hide behind keyboards, saying stuff on Twitter that they’d never say in person, and it brings out the worst in most.

Am I playing with fire with Twitter?  Perhaps.  Perhaps I’m not playing with anything since I won’t go into the mud on that platform.  Seems like it’s one of two extremes – either one is being a scumbag to get likes and retweets, or one posts mostly banal stuff and never gets noticed.  Kind of reminds me of high school, and I hated high school. :-P

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