Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Best Thing...

A few of you have asked me what I think the best thing a reader can provide back to an author is.  Would it be an honest critique?  A breakdown of the major plot points?  Ideas for a sequel?


Spread the word.  That’s really it.  You see, while many writers have talent, what they lack is exposure.  The bigger writers – Rowling, King, Patterson, etc – are easily known by the readership, but most authors labor in obscurity.  That obscurity may be warranted if the writer lacks talent, but if you’ve read a book you feel is good, then tell people about it.  Do a review.  Ask your local bookstore to stock the writer’s novels, or even just one novel.  Tell a friend that you read a really great book, and you think they should try it out.  Most successful writers need a viral moment to take off, assuming they have the talent.  Even “small” dedicated audiences of 50,000(not a lot in a nation of 330 million) can provide stable readership and a stream of income to keep on writing.

Of course I don’t mean become obsessed or shill the author every chance you get, but mention that writer to a friend with similar tastes, and/or spend ten minutes doing one Amazon review.  The payoff for the writer to continue producing work you like is tremendous.

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