Sunday, May 7, 2023

Harry Potter and the Push Button Issue

JK Rowling is one of the most popular authors on the planet.  She created the incredible HarryPotter series that gave children everywhere a magical world in which to immerse themselves.  However, over the last year or so, she has created some very vocal enemies who have insisted that she be tossed from public life.

Rowling is very much a creature of the political left.  She has been a Labour Party supporter, spoken out loudly regarding the UK’s social safety net, and even decided to retcon Dumbledore into being gay despite it never being mentioned in the series.  However, she has refused to play along with the latest political craze, and that is that men can become women simply by declaring it so.  She justifies this on several grounds, from the belief that androgenizing society removes the uniqueness of women to the understanding that if sex is malleable, then same sex attraction has no meaning.

Well, you’d have thought she made Harry Potter a pedophile who went around using the avada kadavra curse to kill puppies.

Activists from the trans community have been screeching to the skies about how Rowling is a TERF(Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist…their term…I couldn’t come up with something so PC and so insane) and wants to erase transgenders.  Sorry, but no.  Just no.  Rowling expressed a pretty mainstream opinion that men are men, women are women, and men can’t just become women because they say so.  That was totally non-controversial until about five minutes ago.  But since Rowling has strayed in this one trendy social stricture, she should, according to activists, now be sent to the cornfield, her work to never be seen again.

Unlike the rest of us, however, Rowling has the resources to fight back.  She has what I like to call Fuck-You Money.  As a billionaire and proven draw, she doesn’t have to care what these shrieking harpies say.  My favorite response of hers when people started on the woke bandwagon and trying to cancel her was when she tweeted “I shall file your admiration carefully in the box where I keep the rest of my missing fucks.”  It was a ballsy tweet(no pun or allusion intended) that clapped back at these activists, whose volume makes you think there are many more of them than there actually are, in a way most of us would like to.

These activists and shrill sirens have called for boycotts of her books, the video game derived from her books, and even her upcoming HBO Max series.  Luckily, her books are still beloved, her series is moving forward, and her video game just set records for sales in the first month of release.

You see, most of us just want to read good stories.  We don’t give a shit about the politics of the person behind the story, and we simply wish to be left alone by the asylum full of mental patients that insist we celebrate everything the way they want us to.  Yes, a few folks who are buying her video game are anti-trans activists who get satisfaction out of watching the other side go apoplectic, but the vast majority of us just want to be left in peace to enjoy talented work.  What annoys us is when the harpies can’t just not buy it themselves, but rather insist the rest of us share in their outrage.  Sorry, but you don’t get to dictate my outrage, especially when so many of us agree with Rowling.  Moreover, even if we didn’t, we know people can have differing opinions, and that should be okay.  And before any of you want to try telling me this is akin to racism, understand that human sexuality is the single most defining of our traits, and it’s just biological reality…a reality we don’t want you to try and upend just because you think that reality is mean.  Go throw away your books(that you already paid for and have already read) and be pissy by yourselves – the rest of us want to enjoy what we enjoy, and we get that Rowling doesn’t have to bend the knee to you just because you believe you can out-anger people.

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