I've long counseled for writers to try and stay out of politics and controversy. After all, you don't want to piss off half the audience, because a pissed-off someone usually won't buy your book. Moreover, readers come to us for escape from the bullshit world they have to trudge through everyday, and it's not like writers have a greater handle on controversial concepts than other people just by virtue of being writers. Athletes, celebrities, and artists everywhere feel compelled to share their views on everything from abortion to taxes with us for some unknown reason(*cough * ego *cough*), and it usually ends up leading to much mockery. Therefore, I really haven't seen anything good come from wading into the culture wars from our platform as writers.
Unfortunately, so many who want to engage in the culture wars won't leave the rest of us alone. It's gotten so bad that trying to ignore the melee looks more and more like hiding, which is something I don't do. Two recent events reminded me that sometimes people hold their views so tightly, and want so much for others to uncritically share those views, that trying to stay culturally neutral just isn't an option. The first was this article I came across talking about the infiltration of certain shibboleths into the world of the arts, crushing those who refuse to mutter the party's tropes. The folks involved may even agree with the sentiment behind such sloganeering, but that so many seem to want to force others to mutter these tropes is a sign of religious fanaticism rather than a principled point of view. I was always taught, and obviously believe, that we should treat everyone as an individual and engage them on that basis. However, it's now become novel to try and single out folks by group identity, as if there's morality in generalizing people by the melanin count of their skin, their genitalia, or who they prefer to have sex with. Not only are so many believing that, but they insist others believe it too(or at least say they believe it). Sorry, but not happening. I will treat you as you deserve to be treated - act like a civilized human being, and I'll treat you like a civilized human being; act like a prick, and...well...I promise I can out-prick you.
The other incident involves MarsCon and who they selected as their GOH(Guest of Honor) - Larry Correia. Larry is a talented science fiction writer who does not hesitate to wade into the cultural battles when provoked. He's perfectly gentleman when allowed to be, but he's among the only people on the planet who can match me in ability to be a prick when necessary. He can be absolutely brutal when required, and his decidedly libertarian views have ruffled some feathers. Therefore, a few folks who couldn't be bothered to...I don't know...just not attend MarsCon if they're that fucking offended, decided to try and intimidate MarsCon into disinviting Larry, just as they did to John Ringo and another convention a little while back. So Larry fought back. Loudly. Profanely. And only as Larry can do. Not taking the forced compliance of those who saw him as a heretic only further fueled the tantrum on display. So far MarsCon has not disinvited him. So far.
The insertion of so much forced DEI and other bullshit shibboleths into the world of the arts does give me pause to wonder if it's really so many people pressing onto others, or if it's a small minority of true-believers that cudgel everyone else, and most are too scared to speak up and tell them to shut the hell up. From my own experiences, most people just want to go along to get along, and it takes someone to give voice to their discomfort with the current paradigm. Part of why I speak up so forcefully is because for every person that stands up, there are dozens who don't but would like to. So to those telling me we have to include folks based solely on innate characteristics rather than individual skill or talent, or that we should exclude folks for those same things, or even because they hold a different political outlook, listen to me very carefully- go fuck yourself. I mean that sincerely. If this diatribe causes you to wallow in tears of anger, just know I will happily enjoy your tears, for all you've shown is how shallow, petty, and childish you can be, and I will no longer allow the brats among us to elbow everyone out of the way just because the world won't conform to their view. If that costs me readers, so be it. I'd rather fail as myself than succeed as a fraud.
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