Thursday, January 7, 2021

Wokester Storytime

I think all of you know how I feel about the woke-scolds that have invaded our entertainment culture.  Perpetually aggrieved and unable to find joy in anything but moral preening, these hipsters seem determined to take the joy out of any story.  The latest example comes from CNN.

Full disclosure – I have not yet seen The Mandalorian.  I would like to, but I haven’t signed up for Disney+ because I’m cheap, and my time is at a premium right now.  So until some stuff clears up, it’ll have to wait.

Still, as a huge Star Wars nerd, I’ve got the basic gist, and I look forward to watching it.  I also know that when petty little assholes get hold of their latest cause, they can’t let it go.  In this case, the writer for CNN treats The Mandalorian not as an entertainment show, but as something we need to be lectured about.  Because they aren’t PETA friendly.  They kill…Krayt Dragons!

Maybe the writer doesn’t know this, but Krayt Dragons AREN'T REAL.  It’s a TV show, and it’s designed to entertain.  The Mandalorian isn’t herding kids into pits and lighting them on fire before proclaiming allegiance to Der Fuhrer.  It’s not spouting racist screeds or advocating to put women into…say…red outfits and slave them for the purposes of procreation.  It’s telling a story about a sci-fi culture that it completely made up.

If something in The Mandalorian upsets you, maybe you shouldn’t watch it rather than bitch about how it doesn’t conform to your woke version of the world and isn’t enlightened enough.  Find a preachy show for that.  Oh, wait…hard to do that since most folks don’t want their entertainment to preach to them.  It’s an escape from the bullshit we have to listen to in every other facet of our lives.  Why is that so hard to understand?

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