Sunday, October 31, 2021

Counting The Days

I’ve spoken previously about the blogging process, but one I don’t know if I’ve shared is that I count the number of days in a month I need to blog, which, in turn, produces the number of blog posts I create.

I used to write all of my blog posts for the week on Sunday night, but this led to a general loss of both sleep and quality(depending on how tired I was).  I needed a way to get all of my blog posts in without compromising quality or creating a hectic pace that I wouldn’t be able to keep up.  So I decided to focus on monthly posts.

Breaking news still warrants a more timely or spur of the moment post, but many of my topics, from inertia to titles to fonts to mood creation, don’t need to be done the night prior because they’re not time dependent.  Therefore, I look at the number of blog posting days and figure out how many need to be made the month prior.  I publish late at night on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday so they’ll be visible on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings.

I try to write these posts several weeks prior to the end of the month – I’m not always successful, which can lead to frantic updates and shorter topics – because I still need time to actually post them.  Between formatting and adding in links, it takes about 30-40 minutes to properly schedule each post, and my work life doesn’t always lend itself to a time-friendly schedule.

Basically, this is the “secret” to the questions I’ve gotten about how I maintain such a consistent blogging schedule.  I got away from such organization once before, and it led to a severely reduced blogging schedule, simply because I wasn’t as on top of it as I should’ve been.  I don’t know if this is really worthwhile given the circulation, but one cannot get attention by just disappearing.

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