Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Dinner Guests

If you could have anyone from any time over as a dinner guest, who would it be?  For this list, I'm going to restrict it to writers.  The  list would change if it was unrestricted, but this is a writer's blog, so...

1.  Stephen King.  Talk about a twisted mind!  I'd love some insight into how he a) comes up with the insane ideas he does, and b) how he develops those ideas and creates the horrifying details in his stories.  Is this leftover trauma from his youth, or is he just off his rocker.

2.  HG Wells.  He was such a visionary, writing about time travel and travel between worlds when most folks didn't even understand the concept, that I want to know how he got there.  Was he an alien himself, or a time traveler?  What sparked him to create that which almost no one of his time was thinking of?

3.  JRR Tolkien.  I know life in the military, even during war, can be boring, but how bored do you have to be to invent entire new languages?  And then to decide you needed to create a world where they were spoken?  He created the fantasy genre, and I want to know how his ideas formed.

4.  CS Lewis.  Lewis is not just a creative mind, but a very deep thinker.  Being able to get his insight on life and God would be fascinating.  He wove so many deep ideas into his work, and wove them so deeply that you don't have to be religious to enjoy it.  A couple of drinks and a discussion on the meaning of life would be one of the greatest conversations I could ever have.

5.  Mark Twain.  Another man ahead of his time, Twain was also a sharp wit.  His nuanced way of looking at the world found pearls of wisdom few could even see.  I have a feeling we'd find ways to argue, if for no other reason than to test each other, but it'd be the best time of my life to match wits.

I could keep going, but five dinner guests, especially of this caliber, are probably all I could handle.  We'd have drinks, laughs, and a spread fir for kings.  The question would be each other's eating preferences and whether those would clash...

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