Sunday, January 22, 2023

AI versus HI

I've ben seeing stories recently about new AI apps that will correct your grammar or even help you write a story.  Maybe I'm just an anti-tech old fashioned fuddy duddy, but I don't like these pieces of "progress."  At all.

No AI is going to be able to intuit what I'm really trying to say.  At best, it can use past tendencies to predict what I should say, but it's not doing anything truly creative.  Beyond that, regarding grammar, there are times I intend to use improper grammar.  I do that either because it's a character thing, or because I honestly believe it sounds better(that's right...sometimes "wrong" can be more right).

I use humans to look at my work since humans are my intended audience.  If I wanted to write for a Terminator or C3PO, then perhaps an AI app would be the right way to go, but people can usually figure out what I'm saying, even if I don't always get it right the first time myself.  Moreover, we lose something when we lose the human touch.  Don't get me wrong - I like a machine to wash my shirts rather than beating them against a rock myself, but anything beyond rote tasks can't do it as well as a person.

We can try to make people obsolete, but that'll never happen.  Now excuse me while I ask Siri for the best restaurant in the area...

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