Thursday, September 1, 2022

Different Plot Summations

Ever try to reframe your favorite book summations to make them sound different, or even bad?  Let's look at a few:

- isolated frog draws in naïve teenager and convinces him to murder his father:  The Empire Strikes Back

- Foreigner uses weapon of mass destruction to take out magical leader and then steals her shoes:  The Wizard of Oz

- Orphan boy teams up with two troublemakers to disrupt school:  Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

- Slaveholders break the laws of physics to maintain their dominance and deprive the world of the best way to beat the Nazis down the road:  Guns of the South

- Troublemaking angel sleeps with demon and prevents people from finding happiness after death:  The Dirty Streets of Heaven

- Bloodthirsty alien invaders that can't control their sex drives try to pretend they're childhood icons:  Quozl

- Lone crazy scientist murderers Apocalypse survivors by taking advantage of a genetic flaw:  I am Legend

- Deranged idealist disrupts history and prevents legal equality for all races:  11/22/63


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