Sunday, December 27, 2020


Computers and the programs associated with them for our writing have come a long way.  They help us spell, they help us find the right words, and they even try to help us be grammatically correct.  Of course, that doesn’t always mean they’re helpful.

The grammar suggestions are what I could do without the most because the computer suggestions are all about efficiency, and sometimes writing requires less than efficient language in order to create the right effect.  Sometimes I’ll look across my page and see a bevy of blue marks under the words, which is annoying.  I’ll occasionally check what the suggestion is, but it has yet to yield a single change from me.

Red lines are different because they denote words that are misspelled, which I’m usually pretty good at(although I have been known to type to fast and get something wrong).  And sometimes I intentionally misspell words(again, for effect), but that’s a rarity, so the red squiggles let me correct my mistakes.  But the blue ones?  The grammatical corrections?  Almost always garbage.

So thanks, auto-correct and grammar checks, but I think I’m a better writer than you.

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