Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Juggling Priorities

As mentioned previously, I’ve started a new novel.  It’s progressing better than hoped, mostly because I’ve stayed ahead on blog posts and am not stressed about meeting that schedule.  I’ve also carved out ten to fifteen minutes each day to devote to writing.

That doesn’t mean I’m not still preparing to publish.  I reviewed/edited Homecoming recently, and I’ve begun the process of bringing that to market.  It is currently planned as my last novel for publishing unless I can make a few bucks to sustain myself, but we’ll see how long that lasts.  After all, I have several more in reserve(that still need rewrites), as well as a sequel to Salvation Day demanding to be written.  That sequel is my next task after the current sci-fi/fantasy novel, but that could mean starting in a year or five years.  We’ll find out.

Speaking of my rewrites, I’ve gotta find time for those at some point.  Akeldama’s sequel needs major overhauling, and that’ll probably be the easiest project.  My apocalyptic novel about a group of psychokinetic overlords needs a total rewrite(like, from scratch), and my novel about Armageddon needs to be rethought in order for it to be coherent.

So I’ve got some work.  The key is to focus on one at a time, and my new novel will be that piece.

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