Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Another Month Upon Us

When it's time for me to post something new, I usually do about a month's worth of posts ahead of time.  Sure, I make allowances for breaking events, like the death of Richard Matheson or the release of someone's book, but since my schedule is predictable on purpose, I like to try to stay ahead.  That makes it so that if I'm off my game, it won't result in a missed entry.  However, that can sometimes catch up to me.

Ever since I returned to the United States from a year of working overseas, life has been a whirlwind.  Lots of things have kept me away from this blog, mostly the desire to spend time with my family.  Still, I wasn't worried about it.  After all, I'd planned well enough in advance to have posts ready to go through the end of July.  Surely, I thought to myself, life would slow down enough for there to be plenty of time to get back into the groove.

That was when I lost all track of time.  I looked up recently and realized that August was almost upon us.  Ideas for posts have come, but it's been more of a trickle than a steady rain of them, so although I jotted down topics, I didn't really pay attention to the calendar until today.  That was when I got that sinking feeling about the date.

Anyway, things should be on better track now.  Over the next couple of days, I'll do the 13 posts due in August and hopefully be back on track until September...when I'm sure I'll get to Labor Day and realize I've lost track of time again.  This post may seem a bit out of the blue to most of the audience since I haven't skipped a day, but to me, it feels like coming back home all over again.  Here's hoping I don't lose track again.

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