Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Frustrations With Typing

Does anybody but me get mad at themselves when they're reviewing stuff and find an error?  Does anybody but me get mad at themselves because they feel themselves making an error while typing(as I just did in this previous sentence)?

Yes, I could crap out a post, or an article, or a book, not bothering to check it for correctness, but it'd be unprofessional and make me look like a schlemiel.  I had enough with the minor errors in the first edition of Akeldama.  Seeing in print something that I know I messed up on is maddening...yet I continue to get mad at myself when it happens in the moment.

Let's take this paragraph, for example.  I will type this paragrap without going back to correct it at all.  I can barely make it through a sentence without my fat fingers messing up ibn some way and making me see just how awful I can be when typing in a stream of consciousness.  Even now, I'm cringing at letting this paragraph go through without correctiong it.  And no, I didn't make these errors on purpose to illustrate a point - I'm just letting them stand so folks can see how easy it is to mesas up while typing since I don't yet have a thought to machine app.  I knowthere is talk to text, but it often uses the wrong word, and my frustration would double.

The absurd thing is how mad I get at myself when it happens.  I feel the wrong thing being typed when I mash down too many keys or hit the spacebar a touch too soon, and I'll sometimes pound the keys hard to back up and correct, as if the keys could feel my anger with them.  Then I read my post in advance of publishing it, and I get even more mad when I find stuff I messed up on and have to correct the original before my adoring public sees my scrawl.

Does anyone else experience this?  Please tell me that some of you do.  It won't feel good to be the only lunatic who goes through this...

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