Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Voracious Readers

Larry Froncek of Various Readers Only contacted me and asked if I would allow his reader subscription list to have my first two novels for free.  I know it sounds a little against the grain to give away books for free when you're trying to build a business, but that's exactly why I did it.  I'm not yet well known, and I need exposure, so I agreed to let his site audience have Akeldama for free to read.  The hope is that a lot of them both enjoy it and write a review for the novel.

When starting out, exposure is the staff of life, and it's as important as paid sales, because it will hopefully lead to more people checking out my work.  It may have no effect, but if nothing comes of it, I'm not any worse off for trying.

So here's to Larry and his audience!

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