Thursday, September 19, 2019

Differing Styles

I've often wondered how consistent a writer should be with his or her writing style.  Yes, writers should be somewhat identifiable with the style they write with, for many readers stick with an author because they like how they write.  However, can a writer attract new readers by changing styles every so often?

I've written three novels and have a fourth on the way.  I've varied my style twice already - twice with third person limited and once with first person limited - and will do so again with Schism(using a more omniscient perspective with snippets of "news stories" thrown in, as well as no single main character).  I like to do this because I think it gives the reader a different experience in what he or she reads.  That said, I wonder if I'm attracting more readers or driving away a proven audience.

What do you think of writers varying their styles, whether you're a reader or a writer yourself?  Does it help you expand your experience and talent?  Or does it make things too bumpy and the author untrustworthy?

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